Porcelain Wires

Porcelain Wires

In recent years, with the development of orthodontic technology, wire types have also increased. Braces, which we call porcelain braces or transparent braces and are less visible than metal braces, are especially preferred by adults and those with aesthetic concerns. Transparent braces are a savior for those who do not want their work and social life to be affected by orthodontic treatment. Porcelain braces produced in ceramic and tooth color, unlike traditional braces, are made of a composite material similar to glass, so they do not make their presence felt during the treatment. Porcelain braces designed for adult use are also advantageous in that they do not stain. Since they are more sensitive than metal braces, their care should be done with care. Transparent braces, which are fully compatible with the mouth and teeth, are the new favorite of orthodontics. As the Istanbul Smile Center team, treatment begins within the necessary examinations. We happily prepare our patients for their daily lives with healthy and aesthetic smiles.

To Whom Is Porcelain Braces Applied?

Porcelain braces, which are primarily preferred by those who have aesthetic and appearance concerns, can be applied to anyone with a suitable mouth and tooth structure. At the same time, porcelain braces treatment:

  • People with general orthodontic problems,
  • Those who have crooked or misplaced teeth,
  • People with unbalanced face and jaw structure,
  • To those who have lost and broken teeth,
  • People with anteriorly positioned teeth,
  • People with impaired chewing and speech functions,
  • Those who have abnormality in the lower and upper tooth arches,
  • People with forward or backward positioned chin,
  • For those who are uncomfortable with their smile,
  • Those who have habits such as mouth breathing, thumb sucking, nail biting,
  • Those who have difficulty in closing the mouth,
  • Those who experience jaw locking, those who make noise from the jaw joints,
  • Those who have problems such as cleft lip and palate,
  • For those who have missing teeth in their mouth,
  • Those who have gingival diseases and rotten teeth due to crowding,
  • Those who have wide spaces between their teeth,
  • It can be recommended together with other wire options for those who have had early milk tooth extraction.

Transparent braces, which are saviors in delayed orthodontic treatments, can be easily applied according to the expectations of the doctor and the patient. Porcelain braces treatment is a treatment method that responds to aesthetic concerns.

What is the Advantage of Porcelain Teeth?

With the developing dentistry technology, different treatment alternatives have started to be offered for those who are uncomfortable with the appearance of their teeth. Porcelain braces, which are one of them, are preferred because they are not noticed unless they are carefully looked at, despite the clarity of classical metal braces. It is also the ideal solution for people who cannot be treated at an early age and who need to be in constant contact with people.

The advantages of transparent braces, which are specially designed for the person and are preferred due to its unnoticeable structure and aesthetics when attached to the tooth:

There is not much difference between porcelain braces and metal braces in terms of treatment time.
Porcelain braces have become at least as strong as metal brackets with the developing technology in recent years.
Although they are larger than metal brackets, they are not noticeable because they are transparent.
Transparent braces do not cause allergic reactions in people.
It is resistant to impacts and hard foods.
It gives the chance to observe the treatment process well.
Thanks to the porcelain braces treatment, which is the best solution for those who want to have braces in their old age, you can ensure that your teeth come to their ideal and position without worrying about appearance.

Porcelain Braces Treatment Time

Transparent braces treatment takes longer than metal braces. The reason for this is the high friction in porcelain. However, this length will not be a problem as it will not exceed 1 – 2 months. The treatment will be completed in an average of 1 – 2.5 years. The person’s orthodontic disorders and treatment plan will determine when the braces are removed.